League Meetings At the Start of WWII

As war clouds were gathering in 1938, the Assembly anticipated the need to streamline the work of the League in the event of an actual outbreak of war. It thus adopted a resolution at its 19th Session authorizing the Secretary-General, with approval of the Supervisory Commission, to take necessary administrative and financial measures without prior approval by the Assembly. This authority was renewed by the Assembly at its 20th Session in December 1939 and continued in effect throughout the war years.

  • December 9, 1939 – 106th League Council Session.  The League of Nations Council held its one-hundred-sixth session in Geneva.
  • December 11-14, 1939 – 20th League Assembly Session. The League of Nations Assembly held its twentieth session in Geneva.
  • December 14, 1939 – 107th League Council Session.  The League of Nations Council held its one-hundred-seventh session to consider the Soviet Union’s expulsion from the organization in response to the Soviet invasion of Finland. The Council suspended operations at the end of the session and never convened again.