ICJ Case – Relocation of the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem

The Palestinian Authority (PA) commenced a proceeding against the United States on 28 Sep 2018, claiming that the relocation of the US embassy in Israel to Jerusalem was a breach of the 1961 Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations and its Optional Protocol I. The PA requested that the Court order the United States to withdraw its embassy from Jerusalem.  On 2 Nov 2018, the United States responded by letter stating that it does not view itself to be in a treaty relationship with the Applicant under the Vienna Convention or the Optional Protocol, and that it was apparent that the Court has no jurisdiction over the application.  By order issued on 15 Nov 2018, the Court set 15 May 2019 as the date by which the Palestinian Authority was to file its pleadings in the matter, and “that the written pleadings shall first be addressed to the question of the jurisdiction of the Court and that of the admissibility of the Application.” 
As reported in the press (see, e.g., Algemeiner,  Israel Hayom), the proceeding has been suspended as of April 2021, as requested by the Palestinian Authority.
ICJ Press Release No. 2018/47, 28 Sep 2018    English    French
ICJ Press Release No. 2018/57, 30 Nov 2018      English    French
Application by Palestinian Authority, 28 Sep 2018
English     French

Order Setting Time for Filing Pleadings on Question of Jurisdiction, 15 Nov 2018
         English     French