Israel-Jordan Common Agenda, 14 Sept 1993
Washington Declaration, 25 Jul 1994
Remarks at the Signing Ceremony
Israel-Jordan Peace Treaty, 26 Oct 1994
Peace Treaty Maps
Appendix 1
– Wadi Araba/Emek Ha’arava
- Sheet 1 of 10
- Sheet 2 of 10
- Sheet 3 of 10
- Sheet 4 of 10
- Sheet 5 of 10
- Sheet 6 of 10
- Sheet 7 of 10
- Sheet 8 of 10
- Sheet 9 of 10
- Sheet 10 of 10
Appendix 2
– Dead Sea
Appendix 3
– Jordan and Yarmouk Rivers
- Sheet 1 of 12
- Sheet 2 of 12
- Sheet 3 of 12
- Sheet 4 of 12
- Sheet 5 of 12
- Sheet 6 of 12
- Sheet 7 of 12
- Sheet 8 of 12
- Sheet 9 of 12
- Sheet 10 of 12
- Sheet 11 of 12
- Sheet 12 of 12
Appendix 4
– Baqura/Naharayim Area
Appendix 5
– Zofar Area
Appendix 6
– Gulf of Aqaba
2019 – Jordan Declined Renewal of Israeli Rights on Two Parcels of Jordanian Land
Two annexes to the Israel-Jordan Peace Treaty recognized Israeli private land rights on two small parcels of Jordanian land. One parcel, Naharayim (Baqura), is located south of Lake Kinneret and Kibbutz Degania. The other, Zofar (al Ghamar), is located in the Negev, south of the Dead Sea. Both annexes provided that the Israeli land rights “will remain in force for 25 years, and shall be renewed automatically for the same periods, unless one year prior notice of termination is given by either Party, in which case, at the request of either Party, consultations shall be entered into.”
King Abdullah announced on 21 Oct 2018, that Jordan would not be renewing the Israeli rights. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stated in response that Israel would seek to negotiate a renewal of the Israeli rights. At the time of the announcement it was noted by former Jordanian premier, Abdul Salam Majali, that if the Israeli rights were to be terminated, one of the issues to be dealt with would be compensation to the then current Israeli property-holders.
Notwithstanding efforts on the part of Israel to negotiate a renewal of Israeli land rights, they were not successful and those rights expired on 10 Nov 2019. However, as noted in an Israeli Foreign Ministry press release, Jordan agreed to respect certain private ownership rights.
Further Reading:
- Laura Zittrain Eisenberg & Neil Caplan, The Israel-Jordan Peace Treaty: Patterns of Negotiation, Problems of Implementation, Israel Affairs, Vol. 9, pp. 87-110 (2003)
- Yehuda Lukacs, Israel, Jordan, and Peace Process (1999)
- Russell E. Lucas, Jordan: The Death of Normalization with Israel, Middle East Journal, Vol. 58, pp. 93-111 (2004)
- Abdul Salam Majali, Jawad A. Anani, Munther J. Haddadin, Peacemaking: An Inside Story of the 1994 Jordanian-Israeli Treaty (2006)
- Bruce Riedel, 25 years on, remembering the path to peace for Jordan and Israel (2019)
- Norrin M. Ripsman, Peacemaking from Above, Peace from Below: Ending Conflict between Regional Rivals (2016)
- Curtis R. Ryan, Jordan in the Middle East Peace Process: From War to Peace with Israel, The Middle East Peace Process: Interdisciplinary Perspectives, ed. Ilan Peleg (1998)