- Background
- Timeline of the Gaza Conflict [official actions and significant occurrences – with documentation]
- War in Lebanon – Operation Northern Arrows
- Situation in Syria and Golan Heights
- War with Iran
- Situation Updates [including regular reports from COGAT, the IDF, the Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center, the Institute for the Study of War, and the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs]
- Israeli Declaration of a War Situation
- Official Actions
- ICJ – South Africa v. Israel: Genocide Accusation
- ICJ – Nicaragua v. Germany: Genocide Accusation
- ICC − Arrest Warrants Issued for Netanyahu and Gallant
- Law-Related Commentary and Analysis
- Additional Resources
Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad
October 7 Documentation
The war began when Israel was subjected to a large-scale surprise attack by Hamas on Saturday, 7 Oct 2023, the Jewish Shabbat and the religious holiday of Shmini Atzeret. This is a description of the initial unfolding of events, from an article by Dr. Eado Hecht posted at the Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies:
The Hamas offensive began shortly before 06:29 on October 7, 2023. By 10:00 IDF radars had detected approximately 2,200 rocket launches at dozens of Israeli cities, towns and villages between Gaza and the Tel-Aviv-Jerusalem-Beersheva line. During the day, Hamas and the other Palestinian militias fired many hundreds more…
Simultaneously with the beginning of the rocket bombardment, Hamas troops began crossing the border into Israel at a variety of locations. The majority had approached the border in tunnels, climbed out just before the underground wall built by Israel, and then, using explosives, broke through the above-ground obstacle of a steel-rod fence and advanced into Israel. Observation cameras monitoring the fence were shot up with small arms and RPG rockets. One group attacked and captured the civilian crossing into Israel at Erez where 20,000 Palestinian civilians cross daily into Israel to work and where hundreds of trucks transit with goods. A small group crossed the border using paragliders (parachutes with small propeller engines) and a final group attacked from the sea, landing on an Israeli beach. (Of this group only a few got through; most were intercepted by Israeli navy patrol boats and strike-drones).
All together, within the first couple of hours, more than 1,000 Hamas troops crossed the border into Israel in approximately 15 to 30 locations (different sources have provided different numbers) and then fanned out in groups to attack Israeli civilians and military positions. They entered two Israeli towns and 12 villages (at least), driving through the streets shooting at passersby and breaking into houses to kill the residents. In three locations they captured buildings and held the occupants as hostages. The biggest such case included 50 people of all ages at Kibbutz Be’eri who were herded into the communal dining room.
One group reached a large nature-party (like a rave party but held outdoors in nature) where approximately 3,000 young Israelis, mostly in their twenties, had gathered to dance. They attacked them with grenades and assault rifles, then chased the fleeing group, hunting down people who had sought to hide in the low brush. This is probably the location where the largest number of casualties was inflicted.
One large and a few small IDF bases along the border were also attacked in the first rush, pinning down the outnumbered troops at those locations to fight for survival rather than assist the civilians who were simultaneously under attack.
The first responders in the civilian residential areas were local response teams of IDF reservists living in the villages (usually 10 to 20 people per village). They grabbed their weapons and ran out to face the attackers together with a few on-duty policemen in the towns. Here and there, Israelis with private weapons (pistols) also attempted to face the Hamas teams, who were armed with assault rifles.
The IDF units in the area were initially busy trying to fend off the surprise assault, so the first organized IDF response took a few hours as units located in other areas of Israel were rushed to the Gaza border…
What ensued was an unprecedented and barbaric onslaught against the citizens of Israel. Children, babies, women, elderly and entire families, were massacred in a most depraved way. It has been described as the worst criminal act against the Jewish people since the Holocaust. (documentation, including survivor testimony and visual images) Over 1,200 people were murdered and thousands more injured. Over 240 individuals were kidnapped and taken hostage.
Israeli Declaration of a War Situation 1, 2
In response to this massive, savage, and unprovoked attack, Israel formally declared a war situation, pursuant to Article 40 aleph of Israel’s Basic Law: Government.
Official Actions [additional documentation on the Timeline page]
- The Energy Minister has ordered the immediate disconnect of the water supply to Gaza, Arutz Sheva (9 Oct 2023)
- Complete closure of Gaza ordered by Israel’s Defense Minister, Arutz Sheva (9 Oct 2023)
- The European Commission announces an urgent review of its financial assistance for Palestine, Eur. Comm. Press Release (9 Oct 2023)
- EU Quickly Abandons the Aid Freeze to the Palestinian Authority, Jerusalem Post (10 Oct 2023), Reuters (10 Oct 2023)
- US puts a hold on the disbursement of $6 billion to Iran as previously agreed (12 Oct 2023)
- Gregg Roman, Opinion, Middle East Forum (18 Oct 2023)
- Israel restarting water supply to southern Gaza Strip, Reuters (15 Oct 2023)
- UN Security Council rejects Russian resolution on Gaza – 5 votes for, 4 against, 6 abstentions (16 Oct 2023) (draft resolution)
- US Vetoes Draft Security Council resolution calling for “humanitarian pauses” (18 Oct 2023) (draft resolution)
- EU Parliament calls for the elimination of Hamas, ¶ 1, p. 2; Press Release – 500 votes for, 21 against, 24 abstentions (19 Oct 2023)
- UN Security Council fails to pass either US or Russian resolutions on Gaza (25 Oct 2023) (draft resolutions – US; Russian)
- UN General Assembly adopts Gaza resolution calling for ‘humanitarian truce’ – 120 votes for, 14 against, and 45 abstentions (27 Oct 2023) (documentation)
- Israel opens a second water line to Gaza, World Israel News (29 Oct 2023)
- Bolivia cuts ties with Israel, and Columbia and Chile recall their ambassadors (31 Oct 2023)
- US House of Representatives censures Rashida Tlaib (7 Nov 2023)
- US renews Iran sanctions waiver allowing access to $10 billion (14 Nov 2023)
- UN Security Council calls for extended humanitarian pause (15 Nov 2023)
- UK Parliament rejects call for ceasefire or humanitarian pause (15 Nov 2023)
- Israeli government announces pause in hostilities in exchange for release of hostages (22 Nov 2023)
- US Vetoes draft Security Councili resolution calling for immediate cease-fire in Gaza (8 Dec 2023)
- WHO Executive Board adopts resolution on aid to Gaza (10 Dec 2023)
- UN General Assembly adopts resolution demanding immediate ceasefire and release of hostages in Gaza (12 Dec 2023) (documentation)
- UN Security Council calls for release of hostages and furthering of humanitarian aid (22 Dec 2023)
- South Africa commences ICJ case accusing Israel of genocide (29 Dec 2023) Documentation
- UN Security Council adopts a resolution demanding a stop to Houthi attacks (10 Jan 2024)
- EU Parliament adopts resolution calling for dismantling of Hamas and release of hostages (18 Jan 2024); Council of Europe adopts similar resolution (23 Jan 2024)
- Several countries freeze funding for UNRWA – List(28 Jan 2024)
- Biden issues executive order sanctioning Jews of Judea and Samaria (1 Feb 2024)
- UN Security Council – US Again Vetoes Ceasefire Resolution (20 Feb 2024)
- Nicaragua commences ICJ case accusing Germany of genocide (1 Mar 2024) Documentation
- UN Security Council adopts a resolution calling for a ceasefire and release of hostages (25 Mar 2024)
- Turkey restricts certain exports to Israel until there is a ceasefire in Gaza (9 Apr 2024)
- US House of Representatives passes, by a vote of 377 to 44, a resolution condemning the chant “From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be free” as antisemitic (16 Apr 2024)
- Biden Administration suspends shipment of certain armaments to Israel (8 May 2024) Biden Interview
- UN General Assembly calls for full UN membership for the PA (10 May 2024) UN News – Rejected by Israel (15 May 2024)
- ICC Prosecutor seeks warrants against Israeli officials and Hamas leaders (20 May 2024) Documentation
- ICJ issues an additional order concerning the Rafah situation in the South African Genocide Case (24 May 2024)
- UN Security Council adopts a resolution calling for ceasefire and withdrawal of Israeli troops (10 Jun 2024)
- UK suspends 30 of its 350 arms export licenses to Israel (2 Sep 2024) Press Release — Times of Israel
- US Department of Justice unseals criminal complaint against Hamas leaders (3 Sep 2024) Press Release — Complaint
- The Israeli Security Cabinet updated the war objectives to include return of residents of the north securely to their homes. Official statement (17 Sep 2024)
- Israel enacts law barring UNRWA from the country (29 Oct 2024)
- Sweden ends support for UNRWA, redirecting humanitarian aid through other sources. Press Release (20 Dec 2024)
- United States reinstates sanctions against the ICC (25 Jan 2025)
- US Department of Justice establishes a joint task force to address Hamas and the October 7 attack (5 Feb 2024)
- United States imposes new sanctions against the ICC (6 Feb 2025)
- United States suspends aid and assistance to South Africa (7 Feb 2025)
Law-Related Commentary and Analysis
- UK Lawyers for Israel, Briefing Notes on the War in Gaza (undated)
- Louis D. Brandeis Center, International Humanitarian Law in Asymmetric Warfare (undated)
- IDF – Military Advocate General’s Corps, Addressing Alleged Misconduct in the Context of the War in Gaza (24 Feb 2024)
- Jerusalem Center for Security and Foreign Affairs, Israel Under Fire (12 essays from May to Sep 2024)
- Lieber Institute, Israel-Hamas 2023-24 Symposium (97 essays from 10 Oct 2023 to 24 Jan 2025)
- Maj. Gen. Yifat Tomer Yerushalmi, The Goal of Victory and the Pursuit of Justice in the “Swords of Iron” War, Justice, No. 72 (Fall 2024)
- Ran Cohen Rochverger, Prosecuting the October 7 Terrorists: A Challenge for the Israeli Legal System, Justice, No. 72 (Fall 2024)
- Brian Doctor, Jonathan D.C. Turner, Review of Gaza Famine Reports, UKLFI (31 Jul 2024)
- OHCHR, Thematic Report: Indiscriminate and disproportionate attacks during the conflict in Gaza (19 Jun 2024) [with comments by Israel and the Palestinian Authority]
- Arsen Ostrovsky, John Spencer, It’s Time to Start Using the Term ‘Palestinian Civilian’ Correctly, Newsweek (17 Jun 2024)
- Amb. Alan Baker, Israel Under Fire – The War in Gaza: Can Contemporary International Law Cope with Today’s Terror? (3 Jun 24)
- Lt.-Col. (res.) Maurice Hirsch, Deflating the Threat Posed by the International Criminal Court (8 May 2024)
- Louis René Beres, Israel’s Targeting of Hamas Commander Marwan Issa Was a Legal Operation (7 Apr 2024)
- Anon., The United States Supports Israel’s Use of Force in Gaza, Amer. J. Int’l Law, vol 118, p. 361 (April 2024)
- Anon., The United States and Partners Use Force Against the Houthis, Amer. J. Int’l Law, vol 118, p. 366 (April 2024)
- John Spencer, Newsweek, Israel Has Created a New Standard for Urban Warfare. Why Will No One Admit It? (25 Mar 2024)
- Raz Zimmt, Iran and the Policy of Targeted Killings Attributed to Israel: Between Threats and Constraints (28 Jan 2024)
- Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center, Evidence of the terrorist organizations’ use of civilian facilities in the Gaza Strip (3 Jan 2024)
- Matthijs de Blois, The United Nations and International Law in the Hamas-Israel War, Justice, vol. 70, p. 15 (Fall 2023)
- Arsen Ostrovsky, The Red Cross Has Become a Glorified Uber Driver, Jewish Journal (6 Dec 2023)
- Brian Cox, The Al-Ahli Hospital Explosion in Gaza Indicates International Law Is the First Casualty in War (6 Dec 2023)
- Yahli Shereshevsky, A Plea to the International Law Community: On De-Humanizing and the October 7th Atrocities (4 Dec 2023)
- ICC Prosecutor, Statement (3 Dec 2023)
- UK Lawyers for Israel, Is Israel Guilty of Genocide? – A discussion of Raz Segal’s claim (3 Dec 2023)
- Essays addressing Israel’s right to self-defense (November 2023)
- Jérôme de Hemptinne, Classifying the Gaza Conflict Under International Humanitarian Law, a Complicated Matter, EJIL Talk (13 Nov 2023)
- Thomas N. Wheatley, American Perspectives on the Law of Armed Conflict & the 2023 Israel-Hamas War (5 Nov 2023)
- Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Hamas-Israel Conflict 2023: Key Legal Aspects [En, Fr, Sp, Pt] (2 Nov 2023)
- Louis René Beres, The Gaza War and International Law: An Informed Assessment, BESA Center Perspectives (30 Oct 2023)
- Christiane Wilke, Helyeh Doutaghi, Conceptualizing Civilians: Beyond “Innocence”, Lieber Institute (27 Oct 2023)
- Geoff Corn, The Disproportionate Confusion About Proportionality, Lawfire (26 Oct 2023)
- Amb. Alan Baker, The False and Deceitful Charges Against Israel, Jerusalem Post (25 Oct 2023)
- Nobuo Hayashi, Honest Errors, the Rendulic Rule, and Modern Combat Decision-Making, Lieber Institute (24 Oct 2023)
- Madison Cash, Financial Jihad: Combating the Use of Virtual Assets in Terrorist Financing, Duke Law (23 Oct 23)
- Tilman Rodenhäuser, IHL and Information Operations during Armed Conflict, Lieber Institute (18 Oct 2023)
- Eugene Kontorovich, The Siege of Hamas Is No War Crime, WSJ (17 Oct 2023)
- Pnina Sharvit Baruch, The War with Hamas: Legal Basics, INSS Insight, No. 1770 (16 Oct 2023)
- Charlie Dunlap, Five Ideas to Counter Hamas’ Lawfare Strategy…and why (15 Oct 2023)
- Lt.-Col. (res.) Maurice Hirsch, Frequently Asked Questions about the 2023 War with Hamas, JCPA (12 Oct 2023)
- Jens David Ohlin, International Criminal Law Analysis of the Situation in Israel, OpinioJuris.org (12 Oct 2023)
- Prof. Amichai Cohen Dr. Eran Shamir-Borer, Adv. Mirit Sharabi, The War on Hamas: The Decision to Go to War, in Theory and Practice in Israel, IDI (11 Oct 2023)
- Amb. Alan Baker, Hamas and Islamic Jihad Are Criminally Liable for War Crimes, JCPA (9 Oct 2023)
- IDF Twitter – Incriminating Evidence of Hamas War Crimes (9 Oct 2023)
- Louis René Beres, Hamas Terror Attacks and International Law, Arutz Sheva (9 Oct 2023)
- Efraim Karsh, From Oslo to Be’eri: how the 30-years-long peace delusion led to Hamas’s 10/7 massacres (9 Oct 2024)
- Bernard-Henri Lévy, Israel Alone – English (September 2024) – French original
- Israel David, EXPOSED: Hamas Forged ‘Independent’ Survey Results to Claim Widespread Support (30 Aug 24)
- Israel Defense Forces, Hamas Terrorist Organization Is Falsifying Public Opinion Survey Results (29 Aug 24)
- Office of the Inspector General, USAID’s Gaza Response: External Factors Impaired Distribution of Humanitarian Assistance Through the JLOTS Maritime Corridor (27 Aug 2024)
- Joshua Rozenberg, Aid convoy not targeted (5 Aug 2024)
- Rephael Ben-Ari, Shaul Sharf, UNRWA: Humanitarian Terrorism? (30 Jul 2024)
- Yaron Schneider, The Shiite Militias in Iraq and the Swords of Iron War, INSS (29 Jul 2024)
- Tammy Caner, The Misleading Reports of the UN Over Famine in Gaza, INSS (24 Jul 2024)
- Patrick Kingsley, Natan Odenheimer, Aaron Boxerman, Adam Sella and Iyad Abuheweila, How Hamas Is Fighting in Gaza: Tunnels, Traps and Ambushes, NY Times (13 Jul 2024)
- Human Rights Watch, “I Can’t Erase All the Blood from My Mind” (17 Jul 2024)
- Jack Watling and Nick Reynolds, Tactical Lessons from Israel Defense Forces Operations in Gaza, 2023, RUSI (July 2024)
- Seth Mandel, The Famine Has Been Canceled, Commentary (17 Jun 2024)
- COGAT, Discrepancies in UN Aid to Gaza Data (June 2024)
- Summer Said, Rory Jones, Gaza Chief’s Brutal Calculation: Civilian Bloodshed Will Help Hamas, WSJ (10 Jun 2024)
- David Adesnik, Kevin Chen, The Gaza Health Ministry Flimflam, Commentary (June, 2024)
- Foundation for Defense of Democracies, UN Halves Its Estimate of Women and Children Killed in Gaza (11 May 2024)
- David Adesnik, Gaza Health Ministry Cannot Provide Names for More Than 10,000 It Says Have Died, FDD (2 May 2024)
- George N. Tzogopoulos, The EU Engagement in the Red Sea, BESA (10 Apr 2024)
- Foundation for Defense of Democracies, Hamas-Run Gaza Health Ministry Admits to Flaws in Casualty Data (9 Apr 2024)
- Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center, Organizing Aid Flotillas to the Gaza Strip: A challenge for Israel (7 Apr 2024)
- Ariel Heimann, Alon Berkman, The Evacuation of Israeli Communities During the Swords of Iron War, INSS (21 Mar 2024)
- Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center, Five Months of Hostilities on the Israel-Lebanon Border (17 Mar 2024)
- Abraham Wyner, How the Gaza Ministry of Health Fakes Casualty Numbers, Tablet (7 Mar 2024)
- Office of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Sexual Violence in Conflict, Report on Official Visit – 29 January to 14 February 2024 (4 Mar 2024)
- Association of Rape Crisis Centers in Israel, Sexual Violence Crimes on October 7 (Warning: The report contains graphic descriptions of sexual abuse, torture, and murder) (February 2024)
- Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center, More than half of the Palestinian journalists killed in the Gaza Strip during Operation Iron Swords were affiliated with terrorist organizations (23 Feb 2024)
- JNS, Secret documents seized by IDF prove Iran-Hamas link (7 Feb 2024)
- Gabriel Epstein, How Hamas Manipulates Gaza Fatality Numbers (25 Jan 2024)
- Aviram Bellaishe, Iran’s Economic Attack: Blocking Israel’s Trade Artery in the Red Sea, JCPA (21 Jan 2024)
- Gerald M. Steinberg, Documenting the Enablers of Hamas War Crimes: UN Agencies, Government Aid Programs and NGOs, BESA (21 Jan 2024)
- Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center, Documents brought back from the Gaza Strip indicate that Hamas premeditated its atrocities (20 Jan 2024)
- Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center, Iranian Media References to Military Aid Provided by Iran to Hamas in the Past (9 Jan 2024)
- Lenny Ben-David, A Coordinated Media Attack on Israel by the New York Times, Washington Post, and CNN, JCPA (28 Dec 2023)
- Dan Diker, et al., Jihad Unmasked: How Pro-Hamas Students for Justice in Palestine Hijacked U.S. Universities (December 2023)
- Alain Destexhe, Doctors Without Borders, an accomplice of Hamas? (18 Dec 2023)
- IDF Press Release, Sinwar’s Subterranean Tunnel System (17 Dec 2023)
- Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center, Military-Terrorist Activities of the Houthis (17 Dec 2023)
- Irina Tsukerman, Iran’s Grand Strategy to Destroy Israel Is Proceeding Apace, JCPA (11 Dec 2023)
- Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center, Hamas Exploitation of Hospitals for Military-Terrorist Purposes (11 Dec 2023)
- Robert J. Jackson, Jr., Joshua Mitts, Trading On Terror? (6 Dec 2023)
- Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center, Attempts to organize an aid flotilla to the Gaza Strip (29 Nov 2023)
- Lenny Ben-David, The Casualty Figures in Gaza Are a Scam, Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs (26 Nov 2023)
- Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center, The fighting on the Israel-Lebanon border (24 Nov 2023)
- NGO Monitor, Doctors Without Borders (MSF): Systematically Ignoring Israeli Victims and Hamas Terror (23 Nov 2023)
- Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center, The price Gazans pay for criticizing Hamas (18 Nov 2023)
- Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center, Hamas use of the civilian population as human shields and Gaza’s civilian facilities for terrorism (17 Nov 2023)
- Kobi Michael, Hamas’ “Numbers Warfare”, Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs (12 Nov 2023)
- Arkady Mil-Man, Bat Chen Feldman, Russia-Hamas Relations and the Israel-Hamas War, INSS (9 Nov 2023)
- Shaul Shay (Col. Res.), The War in Gaza From Local to Regional, International Institute for Counter-Terrorism (8 Nov 2023)
- Honest Reporting, AP & Reuters Pictures of Hamas Atrocities Raise Ethical Questions (8 Nov 2023)
- Fiamma Nirenstein, A New Generation of Nazi Holocaust Deniers: Those Who Deny the Hamas-ISIS Massacre, Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs (7 Nov 2023)
- Shaul Shay (Col. Res.), Between Gaza and Sana’a, International Institute for Counter-Terrorism (2 Nov 2023)
- Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center, The Houthis and Operation Iron Swords (2 Nov 2023)
- Galit Truman-Zinman, Hamas Is Isis, BESA Center Perspectives (31 Oct 2023)
- Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center, Operation Iron Swords – The Development of Iranian-Hamas-Hezbollah Cooperation (27 Oct 2023)
- Liram Koblentz-Stenzler, Uri Klempner, Kate Chavez, Countering Hate in the Digital Age: Analyzing Far-Right Extremist Responses to the Israel-Hamas War, International Institute for Counter-Terrorism (22 Oct 2023)
- Shaul Shay, Amb. Jacob Rosen-Koenigsbuch, Jordan and the War in Gaza, International Institute for Counter-Terrorism (19 Oct 2023)
- Khaled Abu Toameh, How Iran, the ‘Head of the Snake,’ Directly Helped Hamas’s Assault on Israel, Gatestone Institute (16 Oct 2023)
- Brendan O’Neill, Why Won’t the Jews Just Let Themselves Be Killed? Spiked (16 Oct 2023)
- Pete Hoekstra, What Starts in Gaza – and Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and Venezuela – Starts in Iran, Gatestone Institute (11 Oct 2023)
- JCPA Podcast – Students for Justice in Palestine – a Hamas Front in the U.S., (11 Oct 2023)
- Eado Hecht, Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies, The Gaza Terror Offensive (9 Oct 2023 – with updates)
- Global Imams Council, Public Statement Condemning Attacks (9 Oct 2023)
- Michael Oren, Mosaic, How Gaza Became Israel’s Unsolvable Problem (7 Jun 2021)