
The primary purpose of this website of the Israel Legal Advocacy Project is to provide a comprehensive documentary database of legal and related materials, both contemporary and historical, concerning Israel. We endeavor to provide accurate and comprehensive information on law and legal issues concerning the State of Israel and, where relevant, as they impact the Jewish people as a whole. Considerable material is currently accessible for viewing and downloading on the website, but much remains under construction.  Sign up to be notified when new pages go live.  

Project Goal

  • Creation of a comprehensive and unified internet law library, current and historical, for lawyers, governmental officials, journalists, researchers, and the general public.
  • Compilation of primary documents, historical and current, using digital facsimiles of originals, when available.
  • Compilation of and/or references to important secondary sources.
  • Sufficient explanation and analysis to provide context.
  • Timely information and documentation on current legal issues affecting Israel and the Jewish people.

A Note on Access to Sources

  • Primary documents in the library are almost exclusively hosted on the Project website and can be viewed here and downloaded.
  • Secondary source materials are also hosted on the Project website insofar as there are no restrictions on doing so.
  • In situations where Project links to source materials point to offsite locations, the Project has utilized several options, some free and some not.
    • Many links point to sources available for free online borrowing at archive.org. One need only sign up for a free account on its sign-up page to be able to borrow. 
    • A similar situation exists on the JSTOR website where many scholarly journals are housed, with many available for reading online for free.  JSTOR has a page with information on setting up personal free accounts.
    • Some links point to open-source materials such as are hosted by SSRN. The documents from those sources can be freely downloaded
    • Google Books often has a preview of several pages of a book which can be viewed online. Where a source is not otherwise fully available, the Project will link to Google Books.
    • Much less frequent is a link to the publisher’s website for that source.

Development Plan for the Library

What follows is the working outline (with links to live pages) of those sections that the Project intends to include in the database.  They are mirrored in the Library menus at the top and in the sidebar.

There are and will be, in addition, certain pages not in the menu structure, which flow from subjects on pages which are in the menu.  An example is a page under “International Criminal Court” which has the amicus submissions filed on the “Palestine” question.

Historical Material:

Photo Credit [Tower of David]: Free Israel Photos (freeisraelphotos.com) / CC BY 3.0

Fair Use Notice: This website contains some copyrighted material whose use has not been authorized by the copyright owners. We believe that this not-for-profit, educational, and/or criticism or commentary use on the Web constitutes a fair use of the copyrighted material, as provided for in section 107 of the United States Copyright Law. If you wish to use this copyrighted material for purposes that go beyond fair use, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. Fair use notwithstanding, we will respond to any copyright owner who wants their material removed or modified, or wants us to link to their website.